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Russian president Vladimir Putin has instructed the Russian Ministry of Defence to conduct a test of non-strategical nuclear weapons. Putin said the order was made in response to “Western aggression” and are aimed at protecting [...] The post In Response…
Podrían pasar años antes de que la nueva ola de asistentes de inteligencia artificial se usen cotidianamente, porque solucionan problemas pero presentan nuevos.
Big Pharma companies including Bayer and Revlon Healthcare knowingly sold blood products contaminated with HIV and Hepatitis C to Britain’s National Health Service (NHS) The revelations came as part of a national inquiry into thousands [...] The post Big Pharma…
In the wake of a privacy scandal, Australia's digital ID pilot program for online age verification faces intensified scrutiny over data security concerns. The Australian government’s decision to institute a pilot program testing an online age verification system digital ID system was…
Citing mental and physical health concerns, parents, politicians and safe technology advocates are pushing back against an FCC initiative to put Wi-Fi on school buses. Parents, politicians and safe technology advocates are pushing back against a Federal Communications Commission (FCC)…
A Mexican border agent is seen caning migrants in an attempt to dislodge them from the train Mexican guards struggled to displace dozens of migrants from a freight train popularly known as “the Beast” as it reached the Mexican border…
Angelina Ireland, executive director of the Delta Hospice Society, told LifeSiteNews that as of May 1, Canadians can visit their website and sign up for their Do Not Euthanize registry to protect themselves from premature death. (LifeSiteNews) –– One of…
Alex Jones informs viewers that we are at the precipice of the next phase of the NWO endgame. During his Sunday show Alex Jones warned conservative public figures that they must go public against the globalist New World Order depopulation…
The case underscores tensions between parental rights and agenda-driven idealogues amid growing influence of LGBT advocacy in schools. (LifeSiteNews) — Last year I reviewed Parents with Inconvenient Truths About Trans: Tales from the Home Front in the Fight to Save Our Kids for First…