Government Uses Attack on Leftist Politician to Blame AfD

Politicians from the right-wing party have suffered the most physical assaults—not that German mainstream media are reporting this. A brutal attack on a German leftist politician—that left the victim hospitalised—has turned into a witch hunt against the country’s second most…
Canada Introduces Horrifying Retroactive Hate Speech Law

Canadian MP sheds light on the bill's most controversial points. Canada is veering dangerously close to the type of complete control over people’s thoughts and speech seen in places like North Korea with a new bill that aims to censor…
Israeli Tanks Enter Rafah (Video)

The IDF has announced it is carrying out “a precise counterterrorism operation” in the Gazan city. The Israeli army has entered the city of Rafah in southern Gaza, as West Jerusalem announced strikes against Hamas militants in the area. In…
41% of Americans Think Civil War Likely by 2029, Some Say Sooner Amid Chaos

Just in time for the upcoming presidential election. Americans have been stunned by the Democratic megadonors funneling money into Marxist groups, sparking mass chaos across colleges and universities nationwide as risks are mounting that ‘BLM-style’ riots could spill over into city streets…