To Prevent a Banking Crisis, the FED Must Cut

In a free market, interest rates would be much higher — and “too-big-to-fail” banks wouldn’t exist. Parts of the economy that couldn’t handle higher rates would be cleaned out of the system. In 2009, 140 banks failed, and a recent report…
The Latent Fascism of Today’s Anti-Fascists

We can see contemporary fascist tendencies manifesting on both ends of the political spectrum. Nothing can have as its destination anything other than its origin. The contrary idea, the idea of progress, is poison.Simone Weil The terms “fascist” and “fascism”…

Micro-bullion has both increased demand for gold and allowed consumers to protect themselves against the ever-possible threat of inflation. While gold bullion is most often sold in bar or 1oz coin form, the Korean retail market is benefitting from gold’s latest success with a very atypical…
The Myth of Online Radicalisation

In 2021, following the tragic murder of David Amess MP, the UK legacy media reported that Ali Harbi Ali, the man subsequently convicted of murdering Mr Amess, was quite possibly radicalised online: Social media users could face a ban on…