We are told that Artifical Intelligence (AI) can be beneficial, they can for example help us code, write, and synthesize vast amounts of data. It has also been reported that they can outwit humans at [...] The post AI Has…
German Court Rules State Can Spy on “Extremist” AfD

"Deeply undemocratic" campaign aims to isolate Alternative für Deutschland, Germany's second most-popular party. A court in Germany ruled on Monday, May 13th that the anti-globalist, anti-immigration party Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) can be designated as a “suspected extremist organisation.” This means that…
Total Victory For Israel ‘Unlikely’ – State Department

Deputy Secretary of State Kurt Campbell has expressed doubt that the IDF is capable of completely eradicating Hamas. The US does not believe Israel can decisively triumph over Hamas in Gaza, Deputy Secretary of State Kurt Campbell has said. The…
GMO “Purple” Tomatoes Already Popping up in the Food Chain

As usual, FDA and USDA give two thumbs up to GMO tomatoes. A new genetically engineered (GMO) “Purple Tomato” is hitting the market, and not just in large-scale chemical agriculture. According to reports, the Purple Tomato, an abomination created by scientists…
The Religious Orientation of Trans Ideology

Transgenderism is premised on dogmas which justify heinous acts against vulnerable people. In this secular age of ours, we like to presume that the religious spirit which has historically motivated civilisations and empires the world over has been snubbed out…