The World Economic Forum has unveiled new mind reading technology that they say will allow governments to report ‘thought crimes’ of non-compliant citizens to the police. According to a disturbing report by SFGate, ‘we may [...] The post WEF Unveils…
On Wednesday’s edition of Dr. Phil Primetime, a whistleblower exposed the dark side of the medical industry’s transgender push on children. According to the whistleblower, the attempt to normalize trans kids is being pushed by [...] The post Dr. Phil…
Empresas de telesalud recurren a los estereotipos masculinos para vender medicamentos de pérdida de peso que se asocian más a las mujeres.
Para que los sistemas de inteligencia artificial sean más potentes, las empresas necesitan datos en línea para alimentar la tecnología. Esto es lo que hay que saber sobre la forma en que los consiguen.
Many people are unaware that the global elite are waging war on humanity, literally working to radically depopulate the global population by covertly sterilizing and slowly murdering billions of people. The human race is an [...] The post 33 ‘Elites’…
El republicano por Luisiana ha cambiado considerablemente desde que se convirtió en el presidente de la cámara baja, lo que ha disgustado a los legisladores de derecha con los que antes conformaba un frente común.
Asked if they believed Trump's economic policies 'would be better for your family,' all undecided voters answered yes. While Joe Biden may currently have a slight lead over Donald Trump in polling, undecided voters tell a different story. Speaking to…
“Under [Jerome] Powell, the Fed has changed to think about equity issues, like racial issues, think about wealth inequality as part of the mandate, as part of the things we are following. Think about climate change," principal economist tells OMG…
Predictably and appropriately, the establishment’s head-in-the-sand economic strategy is coinciding with a notable decrease in support for the Democrats—the establishment’s preferred party these days. President Biden is behind in the polls in six of the seven swing states and is…
With gold still holding near its historic all-time highs, central banks led by China are buying the top to fortify themselves against a global monetary and financial blow-up. In investing, “Buy low, sell high” is among the most well-known sayings,…