"I cannot work in a newsroom where I am disparaged by a new CEO whose divisive views confirm the very problems at NPR I cite in my Free Press essay," says journalist Uri Berliner. Update (Wed. 1103ET): Following his suspension from…
A new, more dangerous variant of Monkeypox has made the jump from animals to humans, according to a study that also calls for covid-style measures in response. A new strain of virulent Monkeypox, potentially with an 11 percent mortality rate,…
La elaborada estrategia del representante republicano para aprobar un paquete de ayuda exterior, a pesar de las objeciones de su partido, requerirá la cooperación de los demócratas para aprobarlo y, posiblemente, salvar su puesto.
En algunas zonas de Omán y Emiratos Árabes Unidos cayó en un solo día la cantidad de lluvia equivalente a un año, paralizando las ciudades.
Pavel Durov, the co-founder of the popular messaging app Telegram has has slammed the tech giants for attempting to curtail freedom of speech and says that Apple and Google can “basically, censor whatever you can [...] The post Telegram Founder…
Curriculum and courses have been developed to brainwash students into being liberals, according to a new report. Two-thirds of U.S. colleges require students take Diversity, Equity, Inclusion (DEI) courses to graduate, according to an April report published by Speech First,…
Florida Surgeon General GOES OFF on the corrupt doctor Florida Surgeon General Dr. Joseph Ladapo recently delivered a fiery rant about the horrific medical advice given by Dr. Anthony Fauci during the Covid pandemic. During an interview with actor Russell…
Leftist news host says it's 'poetic' that several black Americans are directly involved in the political attack MSNBC host Joy Reid celebrated the amount of black Americans involved in the blatant political persecution of Donald Trump on behalf of the…
Se ha hablado mucho de la edad del presidente, pero su forma de vestir cuenta otra historia. Hay lecciones que aprender.
Deep State openly tying feet of Trump campaign while escorting feeble Biden across finish line. “The American Journal” is live every weekday from 8-11 am CST. Follow The American Journal on Telegram: