Según la ONU, la muerte de los trabajadores de World Central Kitchen eleva al menos a 196 el número de trabajadores humanitarios fallecidos durante la guerra en Gaza.
Hay una cámara submarina en Utrech cuyas imágenes se transmiten en directo. Miles se han aficionado a la distracción y están fascinados por la oportunidad de ayudar a un pez a migrar.
Uno de los recientes consejos de salud muy popular en internet es la “secuenciación de nutrientes”. Preguntamos a los expertos si tienen algún beneficio.
Los resultados de la encuesta de The Wall Street Journal en siete de los estados indecisos hacen eco de otros sondeos recientes.
Louisiana has become the first state in the US to pass a bill to end the influence of the United Nations, World Health Organization and World Economic Forum in the state and ban the globalist [...] The post Louisiana Senate…
El sismo provocó réplicas y dañó decenas de edificios, matando a nueve personas y dejando a muchas heridas o atrapadas.
"History will judge this medicalized 'gender-affirming care' on minors as we now judge eugenics and lobotomies." A landmark 15-year study found what critics have been saying all along: most “trans” children grow out of their gender confusion by the time…
'Donald Trump has been indicted 91 times! He's liable for sexual assault! His entire business was found to be fraudulent! And law enforcement had the fucking gall to stand on stage with him?!' whines liberal. An epic video going viral…
Government edicts force ranchers and farmers to liquidate their livestock to prevent bird flu epidemic. Owen Shroyer breaks down reports of livestock contracting bird flu, forcing farmers and ranchers to kill their animals under government directive. Is this a natural…
While a few pundits are claiming that the surge in empty commercial real estate is actually a chance for a utopian turnaround in the ashes of Covid weirdness, the potential for an “Urban Doop Loop” triggered by CRE is now…