What does next year have in store for the world? Scott Ritsema from Belt of Truth Ministries joins Brian Wilson to discuss his research on various projections for the year 2025. Also, check out — REPORT: FDR’s Pearl Harbor Stand-Down…
The New York Times entrevistó a más de 70 personas que dijeron haber sido víctimas de robo a mano armada. Catorce eran mujeres que dijeron haber sufrido violencia sexual.
'If the Ashley Biden diary content is fake, why demand prison time?' The Department of Justice is seeking nearly a year-long sentence for the woman who stole the diary belonging to Joe Biden’s daughter Ashley, in effect proving the veracity…
Bill Gates is responsible for the deaths of hundreds of millions of young African girls, according to the findings of a Danish government investigation which alleges the globalist billionaire destroyed their health with dangerous DTP [...] The post Bill Gates…
The years 2020-24 were times of one of the greatest head fakes in the history of government and central banking. The New York Times has published a strange article by Justin Wolfers, an economist at the University of Michigan. The headline is that his…
Conspiracy law has long been a boon for federal prosecutors and this is clearly also true for Jack Smith, the special counsel attempting to try Trump on three different conspiracy charges. Smith—backed up by countless voices in the legacy media—contends…
At this point there is nothing standing between us and fiscal collapse. The only question is when. In case you thought anybody in Washington was driving this thing, they are not. It’s official: the Department of Treasury is now issuing…
Décadas de aprender de las catástrofes, códigos de construcción más estrictos y una mayor concienciación pública pueden haber ayudado a sus habitantes a enfrentar mejor los fuertes sismos.
No se puede ganar esta guerra haciendo pasar hambre a todo el pueblo de Palestina.
Don't miss out on this exclusive discusison! Brian Kassenstein joins Owen Shroyer live on The Alex Jones Show to discuss the various scandals of President Biden.